The Homeowner's Handbook to Zoysia: How to Plant and Care for Zoysia Grass

The Homeowner's Handbook to Zoysia: How to Plant and Care for Zoysia Grass - My Store
Zoysia grass, beloved by homeowners, promises a verdant and hassle-free lawn. In this guide, we'll explore Zoysia's origins, species, and care tips, enabling you to create a vibrant and easy-to-maintain turf for your home. Discover why Zoysia grass is a top choice for homeowners seeking both beauty and convenience in their outdoor spaces.

What is Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass, often referred to as Zoysia, is a warm-season turfgrass gaining popularity for its exceptional qualities. Originally from Southeast Asia, where it thrives in tropical climates, Zoysia is now cultivated and appreciated worldwide, especially in the United States. This grass is renowned for its lush, fine-textured growth.

According to Richard L. Duble, Turfgrass Specialist, at Texas Cooperative Extension: "A highly versatile species, zoysia grasses make ideal lawn grasses in some situations and can be used on golf courses, parks and athletic fields. They can be grown in all kinds of soils ranging from sands to clays and both acid and alkaline in reaction. In the U.S., zoysiagrasses are adapted along the Atlantic coast from Florida to Connecticut and along the Gulf Coast to Texas. They are also adapted throughout the transition zone of the U.S. and in California."

Zoysia is a top choice for:

Home Lawns: Its adaptability to various soil types and attractive appearance make it a favorite for residential landscapes.

Golf Courses: Zoysia's fine texture and low maintenance requirements make it highly valued on golf courses.

Sports Fields: It's preferred for its durability and ability to withstand heavy foot traffic.

Zoysia Grass Species

Zoysia Japonica

Zoysia Japonica is known for its fine-textured appearance, making it a beautiful option for lawns. What sets it apart is its remarkable cold tolerance, which allows it to thrive in regions with harsh winters. If you live in the northern United States or other cooler climates, Zoysia Japonica is an excellent turfgrass to consider. Its ability to withstand cold temperatures while maintaining its lush green look makes it a reliable choice for these areas.

Zoysia Matrella

Zoysia Matrella stands out with its exceptionally fine texture, setting it apart from other Zoysia varieties. What truly distinguishes it is its remarkable heat tolerance, making it an ideal option for regions with scorching summers. For those residing in warm climates, like the southern United States, Zoysia Matrella is a perfect fit for the heat. Its ability to preserve its elegant appearance even in high-temperature environments makes it the top choice.

Zoysia Tenuifolia

Zoysia Tenuifolia stands out with its delicate, wiry leaves, giving it a distinctive appearance. It is often chosen for its ornamental value, lending a unique aesthetic to landscapes. Keep in mind that its specific care requirements may differ slightly from other Zoysia species, making it ideal for those who prioritize its unique appearance.

Zoysia Grass Characteristics

Hand touching zoysia grass Exceptional Drought Resistance

Zoysia grass is renowned for its outstanding drought resistance. This characteristic means that once established, Zoysia lawns require significantly less water compared to other grass varieties. Its ability to thrive in dry conditions not only conserves water but also reduces your lawn maintenance efforts.

Dense Carpet-Like Growth

One of the standout qualities of Zoysia grass is its capacity to form a dense carpet-like turf. This dense growth naturally crowds out weeds, giving you a beautifully manicured lawn without the need for extensive weed control efforts. The result is a lush, green expanse that enhances your outdoor space's aesthetics.

Daily Sunlight Requirement: Zoysia grass is highly adaptable, thriving in both full sun and partial shade conditions, making it suitable for a wide range of landscapes.

Sun Tolerance: It exhibits excellent tolerance to direct sunlight.

Shade Tolerance: While it prefers sunlight, Zoysia grass maintains moderate shade tolerance, ensuring it can adapt to various lighting conditions.

Grass Color: During the growing season, Zoysia grass displays a rich dark green hue, adding vibrancy to your lawn. In dormancy or colder months, it transitions to a tan or brown color.

Grass Texture: Zoysia grass boasts a medium texture, striking a balance between fine and coarse varieties.

Disease Resistance: It demonstrates good resistance to common lawn diseases, contributing to its overall low-maintenance nature.

Traffic Tolerance: Zoysia grass exhibits exceptional tolerance to foot traffic, making it suitable for lawns with active family members, children, or pets.

USDA Planting Zones: Zoysia grass is adaptable to a wide range of USDA planting zones, including Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. However, its adaptability within each climatic zone may vary, so it's important to determine your specific USDA zone for optimal results.

Recommended Planting Dates: Zoysia grass is ideally planted in mid- to late spring after the last frost or early fall, depending on your location.

Average Germination: Expect germination to occur within 14 to 21 days after planting.

Mowing Height: Zoysia grass can be maintained at a mowing height ranging from 1 inch to 2-1/5 inches, depending on your preferences and lawn conditions.

Fertilization Requirements: Generally, Zoysia grass requires 1 to 3 pounds of nitrogen (N) per 1,000 square feet per year. Consider single application rates of 0.5 to 1 pound of N per 1,000 square feet during the summer growing season.

Zoysia Grass Pros and Cons

man placing grass sod Deciding whether Zoysia grass is the right choice for your lawn depends on your priorities and local conditions. If you value a low-maintenance lawn with excellent drought resistance and an attractive appearance, Zoysia grass has many advantages. However, be prepared for a potentially longer establishment period and the need to manage thatch.

Advantages of Zoysia Grass

Low Maintenance Requirements
  • Zoysia grass is celebrated for its low maintenance demands. Homeowners can enjoy a beautiful lawn with less effort.
  • Its slow growth rate reduces the frequency of mowing, saving you time and energy.
  • Due to its dense growth, Zoysia grass naturally suppresses weed growth, minimizing the need for herbicides.
Excellent Drought Resistance
  • One of Zoysia's standout features is its exceptional drought resistance. Once established, it requires less water compared to many other grass types.
  • This drought tolerance not only conserves water but also contributes to cost savings on your water bill.
Attractive Appearance
  • Zoysia grass boasts a lush, green carpet-like appearance that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.
  • Its fine texture and dark green color during the growing season make it visually appealing.

Disadvantages of Zoysia Grass

Slow Establishment
  • One notable drawback is the slow establishment of Zoysia grass. It can take longer to fully establish a Zoysia lawn compared to some other grass varieties.
  • Homeowners may need to exercise patience during the initial growth phase.
Susceptibility to Thatch
  • Zoysia grass has a tendency to develop thatch—a layer of dead grass and organic matter—between the soil and the grass blades.
  • Thatch buildup can hinder water and nutrient penetration, necessitating dethatching as a maintenance task.
Transitioning to Dormancy
  • In colder regions, Zoysia grass transitions to a dormant, tan or brown state during winter months.
  • Some homeowners prefer year-round green lawns and may find this dormancy period less appealing.

Compare Zoysia to Other Grasses

Zoysia Grass vs. Bermuda Grass

  • Zoysia grass features a finer texture and a lush, dark green color during the growing season.
  • Bermuda grass tends to have a coarser texture and a lighter green color.
Growth Patterns
  • Zoysia grass grows slowly, reducing the need for frequent mowing.
  • Bermuda grass is known for its rapid growth, requiring more frequent mowing.
  • Zoysia grass is low-maintenance, with less need for watering and fertilization.
  • Bermuda grass may demand more frequent watering and fertilization to thrive.

Zoysia Grass vs. St. Augustine Grass

Climate Suitability
  • Zoysia grass adapts well to a range of climates but excels in warmer regions.
  • St. Augustine grass thrives in warm, coastal climates with mild winters.
Care Differences
  • Zoysia grass offers better drought resistance compared to St. Augustine grass.
  • St. Augustine grass is more shade-tolerant, making it suitable for lawns with partial shade.

Zoysia Grass vs. Centipede Grass

Maintenance Requirements
  • Zoysia grass requires less maintenance than Centipede grass.
  • Centipede grass may need more frequent mowing and watering.
  • Zoysia grass has a denser, carpet-like appearance.
  • Centipede grass has a coarser texture and a lighter green color.
  • Zoysia grass is adaptable to a wider range of climates and soil types.
  • Centipede grass is more specialized and suited to specific conditions.

Plant Zoysia Grass

When to Plant Zoysia Grass

While the ideal timing may vary based on your location, in most regions, Zoysia grass is typically planted during two key seasons: late spring after the last frost or early fall.

Spring Planting

Spring planting allows Zoysia grass to establish itself during the growing season. This is ideal for regions with colder winters where the grass may go dormant during the colder months. Aim to plant Zoysia grass in late spring when soil temperatures have warmed to around 70°F (21°C) or higher.

Fall Planting

Fall planting is advantageous in regions with hot summers because it allows Zoysia grass to establish before the heat. Begin planting Zoysia grass in early fall, typically around late August to early September, to give it ample time to root before winter. When deciding when to plant Zoysia grass, it's crucial to factor in your local climate and growing conditions. Seek advice from your local agricultural extension office or a knowledgeable garden center for region-specific guidance.

How to Plant Zoysia Grass

Take Lawn Measurements

To accurately determine the amount of Zoysia grass seed or plugs needed, measure your lawn's length and width. Multiply these measurements to calculate the square footage. For irregularly shaped lawns, divide them into smaller sections for precise calculations.

Assess Your Soil A person holding a pile of soil in their hands. Conduct a soil test, available at garden centers or through your local agricultural extension office. Test results reveal your soil's pH level and nutrient content, with Zoysia grass preferring a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0.

Soil pH Adjustment

If your soil's pH falls outside the preferred range, consider pH adjustments using lime to raise it or sulfur to lower it. Follow recommended application rates on the product label and retest the soil after adjustments.

Spread Seeds or Plugs

Zoysia grass can be established using seeds, plugs, or sod. Here, we focus on seeding and plugging. For seeding, use a broadcast spreader to evenly distribute Zoysia grass seed over prepared soil, following recommended seeding rates. For plugging, space Zoysia grass plugs about 6 to 12 inches apart, depending on the specific variety and soil conditions.

Promote Germination

Adequate watering is essential for Zoysia grass seed germination or plug establishment. Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering to prevent waterlogging. Consider covering the area with a thin layer of straw to retain moisture and protect against birds.

Bonus Tip: Boost Your Zoysia Lawn with Overseeding

Identify the causes of bare spots, such as heavy foot traffic, pet activity, localized disease, or insufficient initial coverage. This step is crucial for preventing further issues and guiding your corrective actions. To repair bare spots effectively, use the overseeding technique.

Begin by selecting high-quality Zoysia grass seed that matches your existing lawn. Prepare the bare areas by gently raking the soil to create a seed-receptive surface. Then, evenly distribute the seed over the prepared area, following the recommended rates. Finally, ensure thorough watering of the newly overseeded spots to promote germination.

Thin Zoysia lawns typically result from gradual wear and tear, heavy use, or inadequate initial planting density. These thin lawns often lack lushness and are more susceptible to weed growth. Consider overseeding as a strategy to improve lawn density and health by spreading Zoysia grass seed over the existing lawn. This process not only enhances the lawn's appearance but also bolsters its resistance against weeds and stress.

Zoysia Grass Care Tips


Maintaining Zoysia grass requires attention to mowing height and frequency.

Mowing Height: Adjust your mower to cut Zoysia grass to a height of approximately 1 inch to 2-1/2 inches. The specific height can vary based on your preferences and local conditions. Be sure to consider the Zoysia variety you have, as some tolerate lower mowing heights better than others.

Frequency: Zoysia's slow growth rate means it doesn't require as frequent mowing as other grass types. Plan to mow your lawn when it reaches a height of 2 to 3 inches. Avoid the temptation to cut more than one-third of the grass blade's height in a single mowing session, as this can stress the grass.

Blade Sharpness: Always use a sharp mower blade when mowing Zoysia grass. Dull blades can tear the grass, leading to a brownish appearance and increased susceptibility to disease.


To maintain a healthy Zoysia lawn, it's crucial to follow these structured watering guidelines, along with the added benefit of a smart irrigation controller:

Deep Watering Preferred: Zoysia grass thrives with deep, infrequent watering rather than shallow, frequent sessions. Deep watering promotes the development of a robust root system.

Monitor Drought Stress: Keep an eye on your lawn for signs of drought stress, such as wilting or a bluish-gray hue. When these symptoms appear, it's time to water. Generally, Zoysia lawns require approximately 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, accounting for any rainfall.

Morning Watering: To minimize the risk of disease, water your Zoysia lawn early in the morning. This timing allows the grass blades to dry before evening, creating a healthier environment for your lawn.

Smart Irrigation Controller: Upgrade your irrigation system with a smart controller. These devices use weather data and soil moisture sensors to adjust watering schedules automatically, ensuring your Zoysia grass receives the right amount of water when it needs it.


Achieving lush, healthy Zoysia grass involves structured fertilization practices.

Select Suitable Fertilizer: Choose a balanced fertilizer with an NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) ratio tailored to Zoysia grass's specific needs. Look for fertilizers explicitly designed for Zoysia lawns.

Consider Controlled-Release: Opt for slow-release or controlled-release fertilizers to provide a consistent nutrient supply over an extended period.

Timing Matters: Fertilize Zoysia grass during its active growing season, typically in late spring or early summer. Avoid fertilization during the dormant winter months when the grass isn't actively growing. Soil Testing Insights: Conduct soil testing to determine your lawn's nutrient requirements accurately. Soil analysis can guide your fertilizer application, ensuring you provide precisely what your Zoysia grass needs for optimal health.

Dethatching and Aeration

When it comes to maintaining your Zoysia grass lawn, proper dethatching and aeration are essential steps.

Dethatching Zoysia grass lawns may accumulate thatch—a layer of dead grass and organic matter between the soil and grass blades. It's crucial to address this when thatch exceeds a thickness of 1/2 inch. To eliminate excessive thatch, use either a dethatching machine or a dethatching rake. These tools help you remove the buildup, allowing for improved air, water, and nutrient penetration into the soil.

Aeration Person aerating lawn with fork using feet, wearing rain boots. Aerate your Zoysia lawn as needed, typically during early spring or fall. Aeration is essential for reducing soil compaction and encouraging healthier root growth. Consider core aeration, a method that removes small plugs of soil. This process is highly effective for enhancing soil structure and promoting overall lawn health.

Disease, Insects, and Weeds

Maintaining a healthy Zoysia lawn involves vigilance and proper care to tackle potential issues like fungal diseases, insect infestations, and weed problems. Keep a watchful eye on your Zoysia lawn for signs of trouble, such as brown patches, irregular growth patterns, or insect activity. Early detection is key to effective management. Implement essential lawn care practices, including maintaining the correct mowing height and frequency, watering with precision, and applying appropriate fertilization. These practices serve as proactive measures to prevent common lawn issues.

FAQs about Zoysia Grass

Zoysiagrass fairway on a golf courseQ: Which is better Bermuda or Zoysia?

The choice between Bermuda and Zoysia grass depends on factors such as climate, maintenance preferences, and intended use. Bermuda grass is better suited to very hot, sunny climates, while Zoysia grass is more adaptable and requires less maintenance.

Q: Does Zoysia grass spread?

Yes, Zoysia grass spreads through both rhizomes and stolons, creating a dense turf over time. This spreading growth pattern helps it crowd out weeds and fill in bare spots.

Q: Is Zoysia grass difficult to grow?

Zoysia grass is not particularly difficult to grow, but it does require some care and attention. Proper soil preparation, watering, and maintenance are key to success.

Q: Is Zoysia grass toxic to dogs?

Zoysia grass is not typically considered toxic to dogs. However, some dogs may experience mild digestive discomfort if they ingest large quantities of grass, which can happen with any type of grass. It's generally safe for pets when properly maintained and free of pesticides or herbicides.

Q: Can Zoysia grass tolerate shade?

While Zoysia is known for its sun tolerance, some varieties have better shade tolerance than others. If you have shaded areas in your lawn, consider a Zoysia variety like Zoysia Japonica, which tends to handle partial shade better.

Q: How do I control thatch in my Zoysia lawn?

To manage thatch buildup, consider dethatching with a machine or rake as needed, especially when it exceeds 1/2 inch in thickness. Core aeration can also help reduce thatch and improve soil structure.

Q: Can Zoysia grass withstand heavy foot traffic?

Zoysia grass is known for its durability and ability to recover from heavy foot traffic, making it suitable for lawns, sports fields, and play areas.