Should You Sod or Seed? Factors to Consider for Your Lawn Plans

Should You Sod or Seed? Factors to Consider for Your Lawn Plans - My Store

Creating a beautiful, green lawn is a homeowner's dream, but it all begins with a fundamental decision: sod or seed? Both options have their advantages and drawbacks, so making the right choice is crucial. In this guide, we'll thoroughly explore the pros and cons of sod and seed, helping you make an informed decision that fits your budget, schedule, and lawn goals. Whether you're starting from scratch or rejuvenating your existing lawn, we're here to assist you.

What Is Sod?

Sod is essentially a pre-grown carpet of grass, including both the plant and the soil beneath it, held together by intricate root systems. When installed on your lawn, sod provides an instant green cover, creating an almost-instant lawn. Sod offers an instant and lush lawn appearance as soon as it's laid down, so it is perfect for homeowners who desire immediate curb appeal.

What Is Seeding?

Seeding is a natural and traditional method of establishing a lawn. It involves spreading grass seeds evenly across the prepared soil to encourage the growth of new grass plants. Seeding is a popular choice among homeowners who want to take a more hands-on approach to lawn installation and enjoy the satisfaction of watching their grass grow from scratch.

Sodding a Lawn: Pros and Cons

Pile of sod rolls sitting on top of each other

Advantages of Sod

Instant Gratification

Sod offers immediate gratification. As soon as it's laid down, you have a beautiful, green lawn ready to enjoy. This instant transformation is particularly appealing for homeowners seeking quick results and instant curb appeal.

Erosion Control

Sod helps control soil erosion. Its mature root system holds the soil firmly in place, reducing the risk of soil washout during heavy rainfall or wind. This can be especially beneficial for properties on slopes or in areas prone to erosion.

Reduced Initial Maintenance

Compared to seeded lawns, sod requires less maintenance during the initial establishment phase. There's no need to wait for grass seeds to germinate, reducing the vulnerability to weed competition. Sod offers a more stable and established lawn from day one.

Disadvantages of Sod

Higher Upfront Cost

One of the main drawbacks of sod is its higher upfront cost. Purchasing and installing sod can be more expensive than seeding a lawn. It's essential to consider your budget when making this choice.

Limited Grass Variety

Sod availability may be limited to specific grass species or varieties. This limitation can restrict your choice compared to seeding, where you have a more extensive selection. It's crucial to ensure that the available sod aligns with your local climate and preferences.

Proper Care After Installation

While sod requires less initial maintenance, it's not maintenance-free. Proper care is still essential to ensure the long-term health of your lawn. This includes watering, mowing, and regular maintenance to address any potential issues.

Seeding a Lawn: Pros and Cons

Blue cart filled with seeds on the ground

Advantages of Seeding


Seeding your lawn is typically more budget-friendly than opting for sod. The lower initial cost can be especially appealing for homeowners looking to establish a lush lawn without breaking the bank.

Grass Variety

One of the significant advantages of seeding is the extensive range of grass species and varieties available. You can select grass types that thrive in your specific climate and soil conditions, giving you greater flexibility and control over your lawn's appearance.


Seed mixtures can be customized to suit your preferences and needs. Whether you're looking for a drought-resistant lawn, a specific shade of green, or a mixture that's perfect for heavy foot traffic, you can tailor the seed blend accordingly.

Disadvantages of Seeding

Longer Establishment Time

Compared to sod, seeded lawns take more time to establish. You'll need patience as you wait for the grass seeds to germinate, grow, and develop into a full lawn. This can be a drawback if you're seeking quick results.

Diligent Maintenance

Seeded lawns require consistent care and maintenance, especially during the initial growth phase. This includes regular watering, protection from foot traffic, and diligent weed control. Failure to provide proper care can hinder successful establishment.

Erosion and Weed Competition

During the early stages, seeded lawns are vulnerable to soil erosion and weed competition. Without the immediate coverage provided by sod, the soil is more exposed to erosion from rainfall or wind. Weeds can also compete with grass seedlings for resources, requiring vigilant management.

Sod Vs. Seed: Which Is Better?

hand holding grass seeds When it comes to choosing between seed and sod for your lawn, various factors come into play.


  • Seed:
    • Generally more budget-friendly upfront.
    • Lower cost of grass seed compared to purchasing sod rolls.
    • Cost savings can be significant for larger lawn areas.
  • Sod:
    • Higher initial cost due to the purchase of fully grown grass and soil.
    • Can be more expensive for larger lawns or extensive landscaping projects.
    • Instant results may justify the higher cost for some homeowners.
  • Seed:
    • Longer establishment period as grass seeds need time to germinate and grow.
    • Patience is required as you wait for your lawn to fill in.
  • Sod:
    • Provides an instant lawn, saving time on the initial establishment.
    • Immediate results are ideal for homeowners who want a green lawn quickly.
Climate and Season
  • Seed:
    • Seeding can be done during specific seasons that are most conducive to grass growth.
    • Timing can be adjusted to align with favorable weather conditions for the chosen grass type.
  • Sod:
    • Suitable for installation throughout the year, regardless of season.
    • Instant coverage helps protect the soil from erosion during any season.
Soil Preparation
  • Seed:
    • Requires careful soil preparation to create the right conditions for seed germination.
    • Soil testing and amending may be necessary to ensure optimal growth.
  • Sod:
    • Soil preparation is essential but generally less involved than for seeding.
    • Sod provides immediate soil cover, reducing the risk of erosion.
Grass Type
  • Seed:
    • Offers a wide variety of grass species and mixtures.
    • Allows for customization based on climate, soil, and preferences.
  • Sod:
    • Availability may be limited to specific grass types or varieties.
    • Options may be more restricted, depending on local suppliers.
  • Seed:
    • Requires consistent care, especially during the initial growth phase.
    • Weed control, watering, and protection from foot traffic are essential.
  • Sod:
    • Initial maintenance is reduced compared to seeding.
    • Still requires regular care, including watering, mowing, and routine maintenance.
Erosion Control
  • Seed:
    • Vulnerable to soil erosion during the early stages.
    • Adequate coverage and mulching are necessary to prevent erosion.
  • Sod:
    • Provides immediate erosion control with its mature root system.
    • Suitable for areas prone to soil erosion.
Instant Results
  • Seed:
    • Takes time to establish, and the lawn may appear patchy initially.
    • Full coverage and maturity require patience.
  • Sod:
    • Offers immediate beauty and a fully established lawn appearance.
    • Ideal for those seeking instant curb appeal.
Lawn Appearance
  • Seed:
  • Sod:
    • Provides an instant, even, and mature lawn appearance.
    • Suitable for homeowners who desire immediate aesthetic appeal.
Long-Term Goals
  • Seed:
    • Can result in a strong, resilient lawn with a well-established root system.
    • Ideal for those with a long-term vision and the patience to nurture the lawn.
  • Sod:
    • Offers immediate beauty and convenience but may require ongoing maintenance.
    • Suitable for homeowners who prioritize instant results and reduced initial maintenance.

Establish a Lawn with Sod

Step 1: Prepare Your Soil Soil Testing

Begin by testing your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. Adjust the soil condition as needed to create an optimal environment for grass growth.

Remove Existing Grass and Weeds:

Clear the area of any existing grass, weeds, rocks, or debris. This ensures a clean slate for your new lawn.

Step 2: Improve Your Soil

To ensure your sod has the best chance to thrive, take these soil improvement steps:

Loosen the Soil:

Use a tiller to loosen the soil in the area where you'll lay the sod. This helps the roots penetrate and establish more easily.

Add Organic Matter:

Incorporate organic matter, such as compost, into the soil. This enhances soil structure, nutrient content, and water retention.

Level the Soil:

Create a smooth and even surface by leveling the soil. This prevents low spots that can lead to uneven sodding.

Step 3: Lay Down the Sod

Now, it's time to install your sod:

Sod Selection:

Choose high-quality sod from a reputable supplier that suits your local climate and lawn preferences.

Begin Laying Sod:

Start laying the sod along a straight edge, like a driveway or sidewalk, to ensure a neat and even appearance.

Stagger the Joints:

Stagger the joints of the sod strips in a brick-like pattern to avoid visible seams.

Press Firmly:

Press the sod firmly into the soil to eliminate air pockets and establish good root-to-soil contact.

Step 4: Water and Roll

Proper watering and rolling are crucial for sod establishment:

Water Thoroughly:

Immediately after sodding, water the entire area thoroughly. This ensures that the sod and soil are adequately hydrated.

Use a Roller:

Roll the newly laid sod to remove any air pockets and help the roots make better contact with the soil.

Step 5: Maintain

Maintaining your newly sodded lawn is vital for long-term success:


Keep the sod consistently moist during the first few weeks. Gradually reduce watering as the roots establish themselves.

According to Sam Bauer, Bob Mugaas, and Brad Pedersen, at the University of Minnesota, " After about 10 to 14 days perform a “tug test” by gently tugging the sod in a few areas to make sure that it has firmly rooted into the soil. If the sod has resistance, it is rooted in and can be treated as an established lawn."


Wait until the sod has rooted firmly before mowing. Follow recommended mowing height guidelines for your grass type.

Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer according to recommended schedules to promote healthy growth.

Weed Control:

Be vigilant about weed control to prevent weeds from competing with your new grass.

Routine Maintenance:

Follow a regular lawn care routine, including aeration and dethatching as needed.

Establish a Lawn with Seed

Close-up of grass growing out of the ground

Step 1: Prepare the Soil

Proper soil preparation is the foundation for successful seed germination:

Soil Testing:

Begin by testing your soil's pH and nutrient levels. Adjust the soil condition, if necessary, to create an optimal environment for seed growth.

Remove Debris:

Clear the area of any debris, rocks, or weeds. A clean surface provides a better foundation for your new lawn.

Step 2: Spread the Grass Seed

Select the right grass seed mixture for your region and preferences:

Even Distribution:

Use a seed spreader or broadcast the seed evenly across the prepared soil. This ensures consistent coverage.

Proper Seeding Rate:

Follow the recommended seeding rate for the specific grass type you've chosen. Over- or under-seeding can affect results.

Step 3: Cover and Tamp the Seeds

Covering and tamping the seeds helps ensure good seed-to-soil contact:


Gently rake the soil to lightly cover the seeds. Avoid burying them too deeply; most grass seeds require light for germination.

Tamp Down Soil:

Use a lawn roller or walk on the seeded area to press the seeds firmly into the soil. This minimizes air pockets and enhances germination.

Step 4: Apply Mulch

Applying a thin layer of mulch helps retain moisture and protect the seeds:

Mulch Choices:

Use straw, compost, or another suitable mulch material.

Even Coverage:

Apply mulch evenly across the seeded area to help maintain consistent soil moisture.

Step 5: Water the Lawn

Proper watering is essential to seed germination:

Consistent Moisture:

Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the germination period.

Avoid Overwatering:

Be mindful not to wash away seeds or create puddles.

Step 6: Monitor and Maintain

Ongoing maintenance is critical for seedling health and lawn development:

Weed Control:

Monitor for weeds and address them promptly to prevent competition with grass seedlings.

First Mowing:

Wait until the grass reaches the recommended height before the first mowing. Be gentle to avoid damaging young seedlings.

Regular Maintenance:

Follow a regular lawn care routine, including fertilizing, mowing, and watering based on the needs of your specific grass type.

Consider enhancing your lawn care routine with the use of smart sprinkler controllers. These devices can automate watering schedules based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels, ensuring that your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time. Smart sprinkler controllers can help conserve water, prevent overwatering, and promote healthier grass growth.

FAQs about Sod Vs Seed

Lawn sprinkler watering a green lawn. Is it cheaper to lay sod or seed?

Seeding is generally cheaper upfront than sodding. However, long-term costs can vary depending on maintenance and other factors.

What takes more water, sod, or seed?

Newly seeded lawns typically require more water to establish compared to sodded lawns due to the germination and early growth phase.

When is the best time to lay sod?

Sod can be installed year-round, but spring and early fall are often considered the best times for optimal root establishment.

When is the best time to seed a lawn?

The best time to seed a lawn is usually in the late summer or early fall, when soil temperatures are ideal for germination.

How long does a seeded lawn take to grow?

Seeded lawns typically take several weeks to months to establish, depending on the grass type, weather, and care provided.

How much does sod cost?

The price of sod alone typically falls in the range of $0.30 to $0.85 per square foot. If you hire a professional to install the sod for you, you can expect to pay an additional $1 to $2 per square foot for installation.

The cost of sod can vary widely and depends on several factors, including your location, the type of grass you choose, and the amount you need. Typically, sod is priced per square foot, and the total cost increases with the size of your lawn.

How much does broadcast seeding cost?

The cost of broadcast seeding can vary based on the size of the area you need to seed and the method you choose. If you're planning to broadcast seed using a spreader and you decide to rent the equipment, you can expect to pay approximately $100 to $200 per day for the rental.

If you opt for a more advanced method like hydroseeding, the cost will depend on the quality of the hydroseeder and the size of your project. Hydroseeding can range from $200 to $800 per day.