The 10 Lawn Care Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

The 10 Lawn Care Mistakes You Need to Stop Making - My Store
Achieving a picture-perfect lawn requires more than just regular watering and occasional mowing. In this guide, we'll dive into the top lawn care mistakes that homeowners often make, and equip you with the knowledge to avoid them. By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you'll be well on your way to a healthier, more resilient lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood.

Choosing the Wrong Grass for Your Site

Lawn with trees in the background

The grass you choose for your lawn plays a pivotal role in its overall health, resilience, and visual appeal. The primary factors that you should consider are:

Climate: Different grass varieties are adapted to specific climate zones. Choosing a grass that is well-suited to your local climate ensures better growth and less maintenance.

Sunlight Exposure: Assess how much sunlight your lawn receives throughout the day. Some grasses thrive in full sun, while others prefer more shade.

Soil Conditions: The type and pH of your soil can greatly influence how well your chosen grass variety will grow. Understanding your soil's composition can guide your selection.

When it comes to choosing the right grass for your lawn, the options are vast and varied. Each grass variety comes with its unique characteristics, making it important to explore a range of choices before making your decision.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Appearance: Kentucky Bluegrass is known for its lush, fine-textured appearance that lends an elegant and manicured look to lawns.

Cold Tolerance: This grass variety is renowned for its ability to withstand cold temperatures, making it a popular choice in cooler climates.

Maintenance: While it requires regular mowing and care, its stunning appearance is well worth the effort.

Bermuda Grass

Heat Tolerance: Bermuda Grass is a top contender for warmer regions, as it thrives in hot climates and is highly heat-tolerant.

Rapid Growth: It has a rapid growth rate, quickly filling in bare spots and creating a dense turf.

Sun-loving: Bermuda Grass is well-suited for lawns that receive ample sunlight, making it ideal for sunny landscapes.

Zoysia Grass

Drought Resistance: Zoysia Grass is known for its exceptional drought resistance, making it a popular choice in areas with water restrictions.

Low Water Needs: This grass type requires less water than some others, making it an environmentally friendly option.

Dense Growth: With its dense growth pattern, Zoysia creates a carpet-like appearance that is both attractive and functional.

Fescue Grass

Adaptability: Fescue Grass comes in various types, such as tall fescue and fine fescue, each with its unique qualities.

Shade Tolerance: Fine fescue varieties are well-suited for shaded areas where other grasses struggle to thrive.

Drought Resistance: Tall fescue is known for its drought resistance and ability to maintain its color during dry spells.


Quick Establishment: Ryegrass germinates quickly, making it an excellent choice for overseeding bare spots or winter lawns.

Cool-Season Growth: It thrives in cooler temperatures, often used to enhance lawns in the fall and winter months.

Traffic Tolerance: Ryegrass is durable and can handle moderate foot traffic, making it suitable for lawns with higher use.

Remember, these are just a few examples among the myriad of grass varieties available. When selecting the right grass for your lawn, take into consideration factors such as your climate, the amount of maintenance you're willing to undertake, and the specific demands of your landscape.

Ignoring Soil Health

Person holding a handful of soil.

A lush and vibrant lawn isn't just a result of proper watering and mowing; it begins beneath the surface, with healthy soil as its cornerstone.

Ignoring soil testing is a common mistake that can hinder your lawn's potential. Soil testing provides valuable insights into your soil's composition, pH levels, and nutrient content. Without this information, you're essentially guessing when it comes to fertilization and amendments.

To cultivate a lawn that thrives, it's essential to prioritize soil health. Consider the following practices:

  1. Soil Aeration: Regular aeration prevents soil compaction, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass's root zone.
  2. Proper Drainage: Address waterlogged areas promptly, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot and other issues.
  3. Organic Matter Addition: Incorporating compost or other organic matter improves soil structure and nutrient retention.
  4. Mulching: Applying a layer of organic mulch helps retain moisture, moderates soil temperature, and adds nutrients over time.
  5. pH Monitoring and Adjustment: Understanding your soil's pH and making necessary adjustments ensures optimal nutrient availability.

    Applying Too Much Fertilizer

    Person spreading fertilizer on lawn

    Fertilizing your lawn is like providing it with a nutritious meal. However, just like in our diets, moderation is key. Applying too much fertilizer is a common misstep that can lead to more harm than good.

    Applying too much fertilizer can have a range of negative consequences, affecting both your lawn and the environment:

    Nutrient Runoff: When rain or irrigation carries excess nutrients away, they end up in water bodies, leading to water pollution.

    Burnt Grass: Over-fertilization can scorch your grass, leaving behind brown patches and weakened growth.

    Weed Encouragement: Excessive nutrients can promote weed growth, as weeds often thrive in nutrient-rich environments.

    Achieving a lush, healthy lawn doesn't require drowning it in fertilizer. Instead, adopt a balanced strategy:

    1. Know Your Lawn's Needs: Understand your grass type and its specific nutrient requirements based on factors like climate and soil type.
    2. Read Product Labels: Fertilizers come with specific application instructions. Always follow these guidelines to prevent overuse.
    3. Timing Matters: Apply fertilizer at the right time—usually during the growing season—to ensure your lawn can effectively absorb nutrients.
    4. Consider Slow-Release Options: Slow-release fertilizers provide nutrients over an extended period, reducing the risk of overloading your lawn.
    5. Measure Accurately: Use a spreader to evenly distribute fertilizer, avoiding concentrated areas that could lead to uneven growth.

    Finding the sweet spot in fertilization is essential for a thriving lawn and a healthier environment. Remember, more isn't always better.

    Fertilizing at the Wrong Time

    Timing is everything, especially when it comes to fertilizing your lawn. Applying fertilizer at the right time is a key factor in achieving healthy, vibrant grass.

    To help your lawn flourish, here's a seasonal breakdown for fertilizing different grass types:

    Early Spring:

    Cool-Season Grasses: Fertilize as the grass begins active growth to support recovery from winter dormancy.

    Warm-Season Grasses: Hold off on fertilization until after the first mowing to prevent excessive growth.

    Late Spring:

    Cool-Season Grasses: Apply a balanced fertilizer to sustain growth during peak growing months.

    Warm-Season Grasses: Begin fertilizing to promote lush summer growth.


    Cool-Season Grasses: A light application of slow-release fertilizer helps maintain color and vitality during heat stress.

    Warm-Season Grasses: Continue regular fertilization to support warm-weather growth.

    Early Fall:

    Cool-Season Grasses: Apply a fertilizer higher in nitrogen to help your lawn recover from summer stress.

    Warm-Season Grasses: Gradually reduce fertilization as the growing season winds down.

    Late Fall:

    Cool-Season Grasses: Apply a winterizing fertilizer to strengthen roots before winter.

    Warm-Season Grasses: Cease fertilization to allow your lawn to prepare for dormancy.

    Overwatering Your Lawn

    Lawn sprinkler watering lush green lawn

    Water is vital for a thriving lawn, but too much of a good thing can be detrimental. Overwatering is a common mistake that can lead to a host of problems.

    While water is essential for grass growth, excessive watering can have serious repercussions. When grass receives too much water, its roots stay close to the surface, making it vulnerable to heat and drought. Furthermore, overwatering creates a damp environment, increasing the risk of fungal diseases that thrive in moist conditions. Excess water can also wash away essential nutrients, depriving your grass of the sustenance it needs.

    Signs of Overwatering

    Standing Water: Puddles that linger long after irrigation indicate poor drainage and excessive watering.

    Soggy Soil: If your soil feels constantly damp and squishy, you might be overwatering.

    Wilting Grass: Paradoxically, overwatered grass may appear wilted due to its shallow root system's inability to sustain it.

    To achieve the right balance in watering, consider the following guidelines:

    1. Grass Type Matters: Different grass varieties have distinct water needs. Research your grass type to understand its requirements.
    2. Weather Considerations: Adjust your watering frequency based on weather conditions. Rainy periods may require less additional watering.
    3. Early Morning is Ideal: Watering in the early morning allows your grass to absorb moisture before the sun intensifies, minimizing evaporation.
    4. Deep Watering: When you do water, provide a deep soaking to encourage roots to grow deeper into the soil.
    5. Check Soil Moisture: Before watering, use a soil moisture probe or simply dig a small hole to gauge the soil's moisture level.
    6. Use Smart Irrigation Controllers: Consider incorporating a smart irrigation controller into your watering regimen. This advanced technology employs both real-time weather data and soil moisture information to autonomously fine-tune watering schedules.

      Watering at the Wrong Time of Day

      Lawn sprinkler watering lawn at sunset

      Achieving the best watering results involves more than just turning on the sprinklers. Watering during the hottest hours of the day might seem convenient, but it comes with drawbacks. Water applied during the sun's peak hours quickly evaporates, leading to the wastage of this precious resource. Believe it or not, those water droplets left on grass blades can act like tiny magnifying glasses, intensifying sunlight and potentially scorching the very grass you're trying to nurture.

      Watering during the early morning is ideal. The air is cooler, minimizing evaporation, and the grass has ample time to dry before evening. If morning watering isn't feasible, opt for late afternoon. The sun is less intense, reducing evaporation, and the grass still has time to dry before nightfall.

      Mowing Too Low

      An active man skillfully mowing the lush green grass with a powerful lawn mower on a sunny day.

      According to Doug Voderberg and Alec Kowalewski from Oregon State University, "The primary cultural practices essential to successful turfgrass management are mowing, fertilizing, and irrigating, with mowing being the most important and taking up the majority of your time."

      However tempting it may be to trim your grass really short in hopes of saving time and boosting growth, there's a common misconception here. The reality, in fact, is quite different. Cutting your grass too short puts stress on the plants, making them more prone to heat, drought, and diseases. When your grass is too short, it can't provide effective shade to the soil, giving weeds an opportunity to take over. Moreover, the shallow roots of short grass can't withstand dry spells, making your lawn less resilient than you might think.

      Different grass species have varying ideal mowing heights. Here's a general guideline:

      Cool-Season Grasses: Keep the height between 2.5 to 4 inches (6 to 10 cm) for varieties like Kentucky Bluegrass and Fescue.

      Warm-Season Grasses: Opt for a height of 1 to 2.5 inches (3 to 6 cm) for Bermuda Grass and Zoysia Grass.

      Recommended Mowing Height by Grass Type

      Grass species Recommended mow height (inches) Mow when it reaches this height (inches)
      Annual ryegrass 1.5 - 2 2.25 - 3
      Bermudagrass (seeded) 1 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.25
      Buffalograss 1 - 2 1.5 - 3
      Centipede grass 2 3
      Colonial bentgrass 0.5 - 1 0.75 - 1.5
      Creeping bentgrass 0.5 inch or less 0.75 inch or less
      Dichondra 0.5 - 0.75 0.75 - 1.125
      Hard fescue 1.5 - 2.5 2.25 - 3.75
      Hybrid Bermuda 0.5 - 1 0.75 - 1.5
      Kentucky bluegrass 2-3 3-4.5
      Kikuyugrass 1 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.25
      Perennial ryegrass 1.5 - 2.5 2.25 - 3.75
      Red fescue 1.5 - 2.5 2.25 - 3.75
      St. Augustinegrass 2.5-3 3.75-4.5
      Tall fescue 1.5 - 3 2.5 - 4
      Zoysiagrass 0.5 - 1 0.75 - 1.5
      Sources: University of California-Davis Integrated Pest Management program, University of Georgia-Augusta Richmond County Extension

      Mowing When the Grass Is Wet

      While it might be tempting to mow when it's convenient, the quality of your lawn is at stake. Mowing wet grass can result in a series of undesirable outcomes. Wet grass tends to clump, leading to uneven cuts that leave your lawn looking unkempt. Moreover, the moisture in wet grass can clog your mower's cutting deck, potentially causing strain and damage. Beyond this, mowing wet grass stresses the blades, causing tearing instead of clean cuts.

      To achieve the best results, only mow your lawn when the grass is dry. Mowing dry grass guarantees a clean and precise cut, ultimately fostering healthier growth. This approach not only prolongs your mower's life by preventing clogs and undue strain but also reduces the risk of disease spread, thereby safeguarding your lawn's overall health.

      Mowing with Dull Mower Blades

      When it comes to mowing, the quality of your blades makes a significant impact on your lawn's appearance and health. Dull blades can lead to a series of adverse effects:

      Torn Grass: Instead of cleanly cutting the grass, dull blades tear it, resulting in uneven, ragged edges.

      Disease Vulnerability: The ragged cuts become open invitations for pests and diseases to invade, ultimately weakening your grass.

      Brown Tips: Torn grass tips often turn brown, giving your lawn an untidy and frayed appearance.

      Make sure to sharpen your mower blades regularly – aim for at least once per season, and even more often if necessary. Keeping the blades balanced is key too. This prevents uneven wear and helps your mower stay steady while you mow. And if your blades get damaged or can't be sharpened well anymore, don't wait – replace them promptly.

      Not Aerating Your Lawn

      Caring for your lawn involves more than just watering and mowing. It's about taking care of the soil beneath the surface too. One important yet often overlooked practice is lawn aeration, which plays a big role in keeping your grass healthy.

      Over time, the soil in your lawn can get compacted from foot traffic and equipment use. Lawn aeration is like giving your soil a breather – it's the process of poking small holes in the soil to loosen it up and improve the movement of air and water:

      This process creates pathways for air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. This, in turn, leads to stronger root growth and better overall grass health.

      How Often: Aim to aerate your lawn at least once a year, ideally during the growing season.

      Busy Areas: If parts of your lawn are used a lot, like walkways or play areas, they benefit a lot from aeration.

      Tools for Aeration: There are different tools for aeration – spiked and core aerators. Each has its benefits, depending on what your lawn needs.

      FAQs Related to Lawn Care Mistakes

      Grill on lush green lawn

      What is the biggest lawn care mistake?

      Overwatering is a common and significant lawn care mistake that can lead to shallow root growth and disease susceptibility.

      What are the mistakes for lawn fertilizer?

      Using excessive fertilizer and applying it at the wrong time are common mistakes that can harm grass and the environment.

      What not to do when mowing the lawn?

      Avoid mowing wet grass, using dull mower blades, and cutting the grass too short to prevent damage and stress on the lawn.

      How to green up the lawn?

      To green up your lawn, ensure proper watering, fertilization, and mowing, and address soil health and nutrient balance.

      How to make my lawn thicker?

      Promote lawn thickness by overseeding with appropriate grass varieties, ensuring proper fertilization, and addressing soil compaction.

      How to revive dead grass?

      Revive dead grass by raking out debris, aerating the soil, overseeding, providing adequate water, and addressing any underlying issues.

      How often to cut grass?

      The frequency of grass cutting depends on the grass type and its growth rate, but generally, aim for no more than one-third of the grass height at a time.